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धनानि भूमौ पशवश्च गोष्ठे भार्या गृहद्वारि जनः श्मशाने।
देहश्चितायां परलोकमार्गे कर्मोनुगो गच्छति जीव एकः॥
The Wealth remains on the earth, cattle in the cow shed, the wife inside the house, the relatives remain at the crematorium, and the body on the pyre, but on the way to the other world, it is one’s actions (Karma) that alone follows.
This Sanskrit shloka is simple but reveals a profound truth that can transform one’s life. The verse emphasizes the main purpose of our short stay on this planet: to perform virtuous actions.
Questions about this have been asked, many of them answered by the enlightened brains of the curious souls.
The philosophy came into play and they associated their identity with that answer. But one thing remained the same in all of the answers that humanity churned out from their enlightened mind: the merits of good deeds.
Pick out any answer that defines what happens after death and go through it thoroughly.