एवं बहुविधा यज्ञा वितता ब्रह्मणो मुखे |
कर्मजान्विद्धि तान्सर्वानेवं ज्ञात्वा विमोक्ष्यसे || 32||
Different types of sacrifice like this are prescribed by the Vedas, and all of them are born of different types of actions. Knowing them as such, you will become liberated.
In the Bhagavad Gita, Bhagwan Shri Krishna describes 12 different performances of yagna (sacrifices) that people perform, each with a unique focus and method.
These yagnas highlight the diverse paths to achieving atma tattva (self-realization) through karma yoga (prescribed Vedic activities).
These yagnas stem from the activities of the mind, speech, or body, and include both regular duties and special occasions.
By understanding and practicing these yagnas, one can dissolve sins and free themselves from samsara (the cycle of birth and death).
This illustrates how jnana yoga (the cultivation of Vedic knowledge) is integral to karma yoga, merging wisdom with action for spiritual liberation.
Bhagwan Shri Krishna emphasizes that while performing yagnas (sacrifices), we must remember they are still actions, governed by the gunaas (qualities) of prakriti (nature) and are distinct from the eternal essence. Actions are finite and cannot directly lead to the infinite realization we seek. Instead, yagnas are preparatory steps towards gaining knowledge.
Just as planting a seed doesn't immediately give us a tree, yagnas prepare the mind and soul for spiritual growth. We water the seed, provide sunlight, and care for it, but the tree grows in its own time.
Similarly, performing yagnas sets the stage for realization, which happens when we understand that we are not the doer or enjoyer of actions, leading us to true liberation.