Bhagavad Gita: Understanding One Shloka at a time. (Chp. 4, Verse 14) — HBR Patel
न मां कर्माणि लिम्पन्ति न मे कर्मफले स्पृहा |
इति मां योऽभिजानाति कर्मभिर्न स बध्यते || 14||
Actions never implicate me nor do I have any aspirations for the results of any action by me. One who knows me in this way also does not become entangled by reactions to fruitive actions ( are not bound by their actions).
Bhagwan Shri Krishna highlights that even though he is the origin of all, he is unattached and desireless. He says that He is beyond all actions and thus the action does not “stain” him.
Although Lord is the creator of this material universe, he is unaffected by its actions. He creates while being detached from the creation, whereas living entities are entangled with the fruitful outcomes of material activity.
When conducted with the intention of enjoying the outcomes, activities bind one in karmic responses.
And what is the best way to shed all of that entanglement?
Simple. Just know the Truth.
What Truth?
The Truth is that Bhagwan Shri Krishna administers the world directly or indirectly, and engages in all kinds of activities in the process yet he is never tainted by any reactions. In short, Bhagwan Shri Krishna is transcendental to the fruitive reactions of work.
This truth will make us free from the entanglement of Karma. Such self-realized souls would attain Moksha as they will be free from egoism, desires and attachments to their actions.