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यद्यदाचरति श्रेष्ठस्तत्तदेवेतरो जन: |
स यत्प्रमाणं कुरुते लोकस्तदनुवर्तते || 21||
Whatever actions an ideal person performs, other people follow those actions. Whatever standard he sets by his action, all the world will follow.
In this shloka, Bhagwan Shri Krishna explains to Arjuna the importance of his action and the impact that it will have on the generations to come. By performing his rightful duties, Arjuna will inspire the people to follow and act on their rightful duties, no matter the circumstances or the consequence.
In the previous shloka, Bhagwan Shri Krishna highlights the example of King Janak to prove the point that one should perform an action without any attachement. Similarly, if Arjuna performs his duties as a Kshatriya for the sake of Righteousness and restoration of Dharma, the coming generations would draw inspiration from his action and no one would be afraid to stand with Dharma, even the entire world is against the individual.
People follow the examples of great personalities. The common people always use the life of exemplary people as a compass to guide their actions. Thus, Bhagwan Shri Krishna indirectly inspires the Arjuna to perform his duties without any attachment to the results, even though the result of his action will echo till infinity. Arjun should lead by example and he does.