Member-only story
सञ्जय उवाच |
एवमुक्त्वार्जुन: सङ्ख्ये रथोपस्थ उपाविशत् |
विसृज्य सशरं चापं शोकसंविग्नमानस: || 47||
Sanjaya said: Thus having spoken, Arjun cast aside his bow and arrows and sat into the seat of his chariot, casting off his weapons, his mind in distress, and overwhelmed with grief.
Sanjaya was blessed with the divine vision by Ved Vyasa so he could see everything that went on in the battle so that he can report it directly to the Dhritarashtra. The first ‘LIVE’ coverage to be noted down in history.
Arjuna is constantly defending his inactions with words that reflected his attachments to his relatives. He was under the influence of moha and was not able to differentiate the righteous duty and the wrongful attachment or compassion towards the enemy which happens to be his relatives.
He sees no point in fighting this righteous war and fulfilling his duty.