अर्जुन उवाच |
दृष्ट्वेमं स्वजनं कृष्ण युयुत्सुं समुपस्थितम् |
सीदन्ति मम गात्राणि मुखं च परिशुष्यति || 28||
Arjuna said: O Krishna, seeing all these kinsmen assembled here to fight, My Limbs are weakening and my mouth is completely dried up.
This shloka describes the physical state of Arjuna after carefully seeing the enemies that he was about to fight for righteousness. He identifies the enemies as their near & dear ones and that leads to emotional attachment to them.
Arjuna knew that the relatives on the other side had done wrong to him, his mother, brothers, and wife but he was hesitant to fight for what is right due to bodily attachments. He was unable to fulfill his duty & stand for what is right due to the attachments towards his bodily relatives.
He highlights that after seeing his kinsmen, who are on the opposite side of the battle & eager to fight the war, his limbs are weakening and his mouth is drying up.
Did you ever face this type of situation? It is like one type of nervous breakdown or the loss of confidence when facing a tough situation. Arjuna was facing this kind of situation where once he was confident enough to tackle the enemy and his confidence was visible from the roar of his conch shell. But after assessing the situation, attachment manifested in him and that confidence eroded in a matter of time.
The only thing that was good about this situation was that he choose Bhagwan Shri Krishna instead of lakhs of soldiers. Shri Krishna was there and he would do something wonderful to uplift the worried Arjuna.
Another thing that I found useful in this is the concept of considering ourselves as an eternal soul rather than the body. This concept of Sanatana Dharma when understood & practiced perfectly will uplift you from any sadness & will place you in the touch of eternal bliss. Because pain, grief, sorrow, and death are associated with the events related to our physical existence but they can’t affect our soul. By considering ourselves as an eternal soul inside this mere and mortal physical body, we will be liberated from the materialistic attachments & will enjoy the true essence of this journey to Moksha.