सञ्जय उवाच |
एवमुक्तो हृषीकेशो गुडाकेशेन भारत |
सेनयोरुभयोर्मध्ये स्थापयित्वा रथोत्तमम् || 24||
Sanjay said: O descendant of Bharat (Dhritrashtra), thus being addressed by Gudaakeshena (Conquerer of Sleep — Arjuna), Hrishikesh (Conquerer of the Senses — Shri Krishna) drew up the magnificent chariot between the two armies.
Here Sanjay addresses Dhritrashtra as the Bhārata which highlights that Dhritrashtra is the descendant of the great King Bharat.
Also, Arjuna is referred to as the Gudaakeshena because Arjuna had mastered the ability to go without sleep. He developed such ability right from his childhood. Arjuna was able to practice the archery-only during the daytime & in the night he had to stop because of darkness.
One day he accidentally observed that even without light the morsel of food will end up in mouth & not in the nose or the eye. He concluded that he did not need light to practice archery and thus he practiced archery in the night by giving up the sleep.
Shri Krishna referred to as Hrishikesh (Conquerer of the Senses — Shri Krishna) obeys the Arjuna’s instruction like any of the devoted charioteer would do.
Like we heard in the previous shloka that Arjuna wanted to see the faces of the warriors who he is about to battle. To fulfill that wish of Arjuna, Shri Krishna places the Mighty Chariot in the middle of the war-field.